The Alleged Bad “Pathogens” – The False Target of Orthodox Medicine
The foundation of modern medicine has been the germ theory for a good century now. All diagnostics and therapy are based on this theory, which is now a global industry worth billions of dollars. Antibiotics, cortisone, vaccinations etc. are the drugs of choice. Once you know the “pathogen”, all you have to do is eradicate it and the patient will be healthy, according to the conventional doctrine. However, this theory remains wishful thinking and leads to a dangerous dead end, as the real biological laws of nature clearly speak a different language and such measures have devastating consequences over time, as we are unfortunately seeing more and more. Never before have there been so many chronically ill people as in the last few decades, even as young children. Moreover, the trend is steadily increasing!

The Two Phases of Diseases with Permanent Sympathicotonia and Permanent Vagotonia and the Appearance of the Microbes
For this reason, it is time to provide comprehensive – but generally understandable – information on the nature of microbes (short for microorganisms). It is of imminent importance for everybody to know the facts about this topic. The …
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Herd Immunity
Herd immunity in a population depends on the immunity of a large number of individuals to infection with a pathogen, so that the spread of infection is very difficult, according to the orthodox medical doctrine.
If we assume that vaccinations can bring about immunity, then herd immunity means that, if enough people are vaccinated, the unvaccinated will also benefit and not fall ill, as the pathogen in question will not be transmitted further. This means that non-immune individuals also enjoy relative protection from an infectious disease.
But can such a thing even exist in biology/nature?
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